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Infrastructure & DevOps

We develop digital infrastructures that are flexible, dynamic and built to meet your data needs and reduce your expenses.

Discover the Future of Business

Powerful digital infrastructure to keep your technology competitive & future-proof

We focus on the application layer. With a team of senior architects and engineers, we build applications to take full advantage of the intricate web of digital infrastructure and ensure your applications are always up, with zero down time.

Featured clients

Our solutions have already been implemented by more than 20 companies worldwide.


Intelligent, on-demand provisioning

We ensure your applications are ready to meet changing demands and can handle even the most extreme spikes – guaranteeing uninterrupted maximum performance.
We work across many types of infrastructures—from data centers, to cloud, multi-cloud, hybrid, virtualized and on-premises environments, including AWS, Azure, vSphere, Google Cloud, vCloud Director, bare metal and others.

We implement cutting-edge cloud-native technologies

We use containers and Kubernetes to significantly improve efficiency in application delivery, deployment and operation. We even built a turnkey Kubernetes management platform, called Kublr, which simplifies implementation and management of Kubernetes.

Kublr allows you to deploy, run and manage Kubernetes clusters across multi-cloud, hybrid, on-premise and isolated environments, speeding up Kubernetes adoption through simple, secure, and centralized management, including all essential operational tools – such as centralized log collection, monitoring, security and identity management – out of the box.

As easy to use as IaaS

By implementing containers, Kubernetes and Kublr, we can make your existing infrastructure as easy to use as IaaS, keeping all the benefits of private infrastructure, augmenting it with cloud capabilities.

Adopting a DevOps approach

We enable efficient software engineering by setting up optimal dev/engineering, quality assurance (QA), user acceptance practices with dev, staging and production environments from Day One. DevOps optimizes efficiency through all stages and enables a responsive environment, seamless progression through the phases and rapid deployment.

Robust & flexible digital infrastructure keeps your technology competitive.

Contact us today.

One team for all your business needs

We are proud to say that, through more than 20 years of tackling the most complex problems for clients across the world, we have had no delivery issues. If you are looking for a reliable technology partner, we are ready to help.

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