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Oct 31, 2021

The Three Levels of AI - We've Only Just Begun

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – the capability of a machine or piece of software to display human-like intelligence – permeates our daily lives, often in ways we do not notice. It touches us in myriad ways. Advanced technology operates behind the scenes, powering and optimizing smartphone apps, transportation, healthcare, retail, and more.

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Oct 21, 2021

EastBanc Technologies: Implementing Modern Technology with Ease

Modern technologies are evolving faster than ever

Sep 24, 2021

What’s the Ticket to Untie from Provider-Specific Tech Stack?

There’s a healthy and boisterous debate about vendor lock-in in the IT community. And the conversation is moving out into the general business community more and more.

Sep 9, 2020

The Rise of AI

Awareness of artificial intelligence (AI) is increasing throughout health care.

Oct 21, 2019

The Trade War, Supply Chain Risk, and AI

When President Trump implemented new tariffs on Chinese imports earlier this year, it set off a frenzy of activity as manufacturers scoured the globe looking for new suppliers.

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Apr 25, 2018

Featured In: Information Management - How Apis Can Help Prevent Data Warehouse Hell

Modern business is all about information, and the potential insights that can come from analyzing large amounts of it. One problem though arises when companies have a lot of data stored in remote databases, isolated data silos that offer only limited access.

Apr 16, 2018

The New Stack: Get Ready for Microservices with a Phased Approach

Recently, our client Questback transitioned from a monolithic environment to using containers for their applications utilizing Kublr, Docker, and Kubernetes. The move to a containerized environment is the first phase in a project to support the deployment of microservices. Using Kublr to deploy Kubernetes clusters allows Questback to quickly, and reliably make adjustments to their applications without the costly investment of ripping out legacy infrastructure that still does the job and dramatically reduces the time investment necessary to implement new systems. In doing this, Questback was able to meet their project goals on time and within budget. Read more about what they had to say in The New Stack

Dec 27, 2017

Featured In The New Stack: How To Modernize Legacy Applications For a Microservices-based Deployment

Digital transformation forces us to deliver faster. Every organization wants to have well-designed applications, the ability to deploy to cloud and on-premise environments, independently update services and deploy fixes and new features in hours or days, not months. The time when organizations were satisfied with quarterly or semi-annual releases is over.