
14 Ways to Maximize Your DevOps

Jan 10, 2022 | by Jennifer Page, Guest Contributor

A compound of development and operations, DevOps is a blend of tools, practices and cultural philosophies that allow organizations to deliver services and applications at high speeds. It’s a crucial factor in system and software development, and many companies are building it into their business models. Because it’s still a new concept—one that’s radically different from the ideas that preceded it—some find that they’re not using it properly. Follow these 14 tips to maximize the value of DevOps.

Ask for Feedback

Because DevOps security is designed to increase efficiency and shorten the software development lifecycle, constructive feedback is necessary. Advice could be taken from beta testers, product users, developers and stakeholders. With consistent feedback, companies can adjust development processes to keep projects on track.

Use Microservices

The bigger a software project gets, the more difficult it is to manage and monitor. In the microservice architecture, complex systems are broken down into small and independent services. It’s beneficial in DevOps, because it simplifies scalability and deployability while making management more efficient.

Encourage Collaboration

While DevOps is a combination of operations and development, cooperation shouldn’t stop there. Encouraging communication, collaboration and teamwork between departments is critical. Try offering active solutions, such as an open office plan or an always-on communication method that bridges interdepartmental gaps.

Build a Stronger Workforce

All companies need project-specific skills, as well as workers who are willing to go the extra mile to get things done. Most DevOps projects are so broad in scope that it would be tough for a small crew to do the job—regardless of their experience and skill level. The implementation of DevOps goes much further than the training of small groups; the entire workforce should be brought on board.

Keep the Lines of Communication Open

DevOps is successful mostly because it encourages interdepartmental collaboration. However, improper communication could bring progress to a halt. Effective communication requires that teams share information and technical knowledge, and by doing so, companies can reduce the risk of serious problems.

Implement Security Protocols

Vulnerabilities and security issues can compound quickly, especially during short production phases. Teams should address security issues immediately to ensure there are no security gaps in the final product.

Design With Flexibility in Mind

Flexibility is a crucial component of a successful system. With flexible tools, teams can easily scale things without having to scan or rewrite code. When systems and software are designed with built-in flexibility, it reduces the risk of future problems and creates a seamless user experience.

Offer the Right Training

Team members are usually more willing to invest their effort and time in projects they understand. Offer the team the resources and DevOps training they need to do their jobs properly.

Let Them Know It’s Okay to Make Mistakes

Blaming a new team member for an error is a sure way to dampen his or her enthusiasm for DevOps, and it also encourages others to cover up their mistakes instead of asking for help. The implementation of a new model will inevitably come with a few setbacks; facing them in a forthright manner is the best way to limit them as a project goes on.

Create a Monitoring System

Because DevOps is focused on an abbreviated development lifecycle, it’s an ideal breeding ground for errors that tend to pile up. Creating a monitoring system allows teams to keep an eye on a project and act quickly when things go wrong, thereby reducing the need for time-consuming and tedious diagnostic work.

Schedule Regular Meetings

It’s all too easy for team members to go back to their old ways, especially if they’\ are new to the world of DevOps. Without regular synchronization and communication, members will likely find themselves siloed and separated, working on smaller objectives instead of big-picture goals.

Run Regular Tests

Before a product is rolled out, every snippet of code in each feature should be tested repeatedly. To ensure that every mistake is spotted, teams should have continuous testing strategies that cover everything from batch compatibility to the execution environment.

Use Automated Processes

Many assume that automation decreases the quality of a final product, but that only occurs when it’s improperly implemented. Automation has numerous advantages, such as more frequent testing, easier code deployment, a reduction in manual errors, and allowing the human workforce to focus on tasks that cannot be completed automatically.

Set Attainable Goals

It’s easy for skilled and highly motivated teams to get off track, especially when they focus on a single feature instead of the final product. Team leaders, employers, and project managers should set achievable, yet time-sensitive goals for DevOps teams to motivate them while maintaining a sense of discipline.

Using DevOps to its Fullest Potential

DevOps is an adaptable model that has succeeded where other methods have failed. Its built-in flexibility allows development teams to work at a level that suits their resources and skills without being held back by departmental barriers. By following these tips, project managers and team leaders can get the most out of developmental operations.